Results for 'Taylor Reed Marshall'

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  1.  25
    Medical Assistance in Dying: Going beyond the Numbers.Sara Hashemi, Julia Taylor, Mary Faith Marshall & Marcia Day Childress - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):97-99.
    Daryl Pullman provides a valuable comparison between the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) rates in Canada and California, illuminating the factors that appear to be pushing Canada down a slippery...
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    Who will receive the last ventilator: why COVID-19 policies should not prioritise healthcare workers.Donna T. Chen, Lois Shepherd, Jordan Taylor & Mary Faith Marshall - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (9):599-602.
    Policies promoted and adopted for allocating ventilators during the COVID-19 pandemic have often prioritised healthcare workers or other essential workers. While the need for such policies has so far been largely averted, renewed stress on health systems from continuing surges, as well as the experience of allocating another scarce resource—vaccination—counsel revisiting the justifications for such prioritisation. Prioritising healthcare workers may have intuitive appeal, but the ethical justifications for doing so and the potential harms that could follow require careful analysis. Ethical (...)
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    Personalities as dramatis personae: An interdisciplinary examination of the self as author.Walter L. Reed & Marshall P. Duke - 2005 - Common Knowledge 11 (3):502-513.
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    When Does Ethical Leadership Affect Workplace Incivility? The Moderating Role of Follower Personality.Shannon G. Taylor & Marshall W. Pattie - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (4):595-616.
    ABSTRACT:Although prior work has shown that employees with ethical leaders are less likely to engage in deviant or unethical behaviors, it is unknown whetherallemployees respond this way or to the same extent. Drawing on social learning theory as a conceptual framework, this study develops and tests hypotheses suggesting that two follower characteristics—conscientiousness and core self-evaluation—moderate the negative relationship between ethical leadership and workplace incivility. Data from employees of a U.S. public school district supported our predictions. Implications and future research directions (...)
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    Ethics, Values, and Organizational Justice: Individuals, Organizations, and Beyond.Marshall Schminke, Anke Arnaud & Regina Taylor - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (3):727-736.
    This paper seeks to advance our thinking about values and justice by studying the relationship between these constructs at the organizational level. We hypothesize that collective perceptions of moral values in organizational settings will influence collective perceptions of justice. Survey results from 619 individuals in 108 departments strongly support our hypothesis that collective values influence perceptions of both procedural and overall justice climate. We discuss these results, and their implications for thinking about relationships between moral values and justice at even (...)
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    Reproductive Controversies: Fertility Preservation.J. Taylor, L. Shepherd & M. F. Marshall - 2021 - In Nico Nortjé & Johan C. Bester, Pediatric Ethics: Theory and Practice. Springer Verlag. pp. 387-401.
    Fertility preservationFertility preservation is increasingly available to pediatric and adolescentAdolescents populations whose future fertility is threatened. These reproductive technologies raise questions about the interestsInterest of younger children in future fertility, parental interestsInterest and influences on adolescentsAdolescents, and the interestsInterest of persons no longer living. Ethical and legal analyses of specific case examples highlight key issues of parental permissionParental permission and minorMinorassentAssent, emerging adolescentAdolescentsautonomyAutonomy, and postmortemRetrieval, gametegamete retrievalGamete retrieval.
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    Genes, genomes, and developmental process.Jebediah Taylor, Staci Meredith Weiss & Peter J. Marshall - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e204.
    The view advanced by Madole & Harden falls back on the dogma of a gene as a DNA sequence that codes for a fixed product with an invariant function regardless of temporal and spatial contexts. This outdated perspective entrenches the metaphor of genes as static units of information and glosses over developmental complexities.
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    A Decision Made Well.Julia F. Taylor & Mary Faith Marshall - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (3):18-19.
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    The e-volution of the i-society in the delivery of e-government.Wallace J. Taylor, Stewart Marshall & Shahram Amiri - 2010 - AI and Society 25 (3):359-368.
  10.  75
    Alexa, how are you feeling today?Staci Meredith Weiss, Peter J. Marshall & Jebediah Taylor - 2020 - Interaction Studies 21 (3):329-352.
    ‘Smart’ devices are becoming increasingly ubiquitous. While these sophisticated machines are useful for various purposes, they sometimes evoke feelings of eeriness or discomfort that constitute uncanniness, a much-discussed phenomenon in robotics research. Adult participants (N = 115) rated the uncanniness of a hypothetical future smart speaker that was described as possessing the mental capacities for experience, agency, neither, or both. The novel condition prompting participants to attribute both agency and experience to the speaker filled an important theoretical gap in the (...)
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    Stress-strain curves for niobium crystals deformed at temperatures below ambient.A. J. Garratt-Reed & G. Taylor - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (4):577-590.
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    (1 other version)Proceedings of the British Academy, 138 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, V.Cbe Marshall (ed.) - 2007 - Oup/British Academy.
    Nineteen obituaries of recently deceased Fellows of the British Academy: W S Allen; George Anderson; A C de la Mare; John Flemming; James Harris; John Hurst; Casimir Lewy; Donald MacDougall; Colin Matthew; Edward Miller; Michio Morishima; Brian Reddaway; Marjorie Reeves; C Martin Robertson; Conrad Russell, and Arnold Taylor.
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    The Nature of Laughter.Henry Rutgers Marshall - 1925 - Philosophical Review 34 (6):633-634.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Causation and Distinct Events.Marshall Swain - 1980 - In Peter van Inwagen, Time and Cause: Essays Presented to Richard Taylor. D. Reidel. pp. 155--169.
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  15.  27
    (1 other version)Language and Reality: The Philosophy of Language and the Principles of Symbolism.Wilbur Marshall Urban - 2002 - Routledge.
    First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    (1 other version)Valuation: Its Nature and Laws.Wilbur Marshall Urban - 1910 - Routledge.
    First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Proceedings of the British Academy, 138 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, V.P. J. Marshall (ed.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    Nineteen obituaries of recently deceased Fellows of the British Academy: W S Allen; George Anderson; A C de la Mare; John Flemming; James Harris; John Hurst; Casimir Lewy; Donald MacDougall; Colin Matthew; Edward Miller; Michio Morishima; Brian Reddaway; Marjorie Reeves; C Martin Robertson; Conrad Russell, and Arnold Taylor.
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    The Intelligible World: Metaphysics and Value.Wilbur Marshall Urban - 1929 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Book Review: Ellen Ott Marshall, Introduction to Christian Ethics: Conflict, Faith, and Human Life. [REVIEW]Esther Reed - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (3):427-430.
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    Reading Hume on the Principles of Morals ed. by Taylor Jacqueline.Philip A. Reed - 2021 - Hume Studies 44 (2):278-280.
    Readers of this journal know that Hume regarded an Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals as his finest work. It was, Hume said, "incomparably the best." Yet, most of the scholarly work on Hume's moral philosophy in recent decades focuses on the Treatise, which Hume wrote some three decades prior to the Enquiry.There are good reasons to focus on the older work. It is much longer, so there is more to sink our scholarly teeth into. Many discussions and discursions appear (...)
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  21.  21
    Fostering Medical Students’ Commitment to Beneficence in Ethics Education.Philip Reed & Joseph Caruana - 2024 - Voices in Bioethics 10.
    PHOTO ID 121339257© Designer491| ABSTRACT When physicians use their clinical knowledge and skills to advance the well-being of their patients, there may be apparent conflict between patient autonomy and physician beneficence. We are skeptical that today’s medical ethics education adequately fosters future physicians’ commitment to beneficence, which is both rationally defensible and fundamentally consistent with patient autonomy. We use an ethical dilemma that was presented to a group of third-year medical students to examine how ethics education might be causing (...)
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  22.  27
    Building monologue.Chris Reed - unknown
    To build an argument--and particularly an argument presented as a monologue--a writer must assemble and marshal a battery of supports for a claim. Some of those supports will be arranged in convergent structures, some as linked; some will be expressed, some will be left implicit; sometimes a support will need further support of its own--and sometimes, not. This paper explores the factors which lead a writer to make particular choices, the interactions between those factors, and the constraints on a w (...)
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    Hypermediated art criticism.Pamela G. Taylor & B. Stephen Carpenter - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (3):1-24.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hypermediated Art CriticismPamela G. Taylor (bio) and B. Stephen Carpenter II (bio)Technological media catapults our perception into what Marshall McLuhan called "new transforming vision and awareness."1 As our lives become more and more immersed in such technologies as television, film, and interactive computers, we find ourselves inundated with a heightened sense of mindfulness—an aesthetic experience made possible through such computer technological characteristics as hyperlinks, hypermedia, and hyperreality. (...)
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    Dismissal Policies for Vaccine Refusal -- A Reply.Michael J. Deem, Mark Christopher Navin & John D. Lantos - 2018 - JAMA Pediatrics 172 (11):1101-1102.
    Marshall and O’Leary’s thoughtful response to our article suggests that dismissal policies are ethically justifiable because they might induce parents to immunize their children. This outcome is conceivable, but we have only anecdotes about how often it occurs. Such evidence became the thin reed on which the American Academy of Pediatrics rested its new policy of tolerating the practice of dismissing vaccine-hesitant parents. It seems likely that relatively few parents would agree to vaccinate because they were threatened with (...)
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    The World of the Founding Fathers: Their Basic Ideas on Freedom and Self-government.Saul Kussiel Padover & Alexander Hamilton - 1960 - New York: T. Yoseloff.
    "One of the outstanding authorities on the early days of the Republic, Saul K. Padover offers in this volume a generous sampling of the letters, essays, speeches, discourses, and personal documents--many of them previously unpublished--of the men who made America. Included are extensive selections from the papers and speeches of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington. There are also copious extracts from the private and public utterances of secondary, but important, figures of the (...)
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    (1 other version)The conservative mind, from Burke to Eliot.Russell Kirk - 1960 - Chicago,: H. Regnery Co..
    Discusses philosophers such as John Burke, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Fisher Ames, Sir Walter Scott, George Canning, John C. Calhoun, John Marshall, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Randolph, James Fenimore Cooper, Tocqueville, John Quincy Adams, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Benjamin Disraeli, Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill, James Russell Lowell, Henry Adams, George Gissing, Arthur Balfour, W.H. Mallock, Irving Babbitt, Paul Elmer More, George Santayana, Sir Henry Maine, and others.
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  27. Marshall and Parsons on ‘Intrinsic’.Dan Marshall & Josh Parsons - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 63 (2):353-355.
    Dan Marshall and Josh Parsons note, correctly. that the property of being either a cube or accompanied by a cube is incorrectly classified as intrinsic under the definition we have given unless it turns out to be disjunctive. Whether it is disjunctive, under the definition we gave, turns on certain judgements of the relative naturalness of properties. They doubt the judgements of relative naturalness that would classify their property as disjunctive. We disagree. They also suggest that the whole idea (...)
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  28. Remembrance for Patrick Alfred (Æ) Hutchings, Esquire.Anna Hennessey - 2023 - Sophia 62 (3):409-410.
    Patrick Æ Hutchings (Oxon), was a longtime Editor-in-Chief (Australasia) of Sophia and a cherished member of both the journal’s philosophical community and the international philosophy community more broadly. -/- With a deep intellectual and academic history (with prior studies in the University of Wellington and Oxford University), Patrick was at the time of his passing an Honorary Research Associate in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Melbourne. Over the years, he also lectured in the Philosophy of Art at (...)
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  29. Late for work Kerry Reed-Gilbert.Kerry Reed-Gilbert - 2005 - In Claire Smith & Hans Martin Wobst, Indigenous Archaeologies: Decolonizing Theory and Practice. Routledge.
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    James J. Gibson And The Psychology Of Perception.Edward S. Reed - 1988 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    Gathering information from both published and unpublished material and interviews with Gibson's family, colleagues, and friends, Reed (philosophy, Drexel U.) chronicles Gibson's life and intellectual development and his attempts to synthesize several contrasting intellectual traditions into what he ultimately called an "ecological approach" to psychology. Annotation(c) 2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
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  31. 10 James Gibson's Ecological Approach to Cognition Edward S. Reed.Edward S. Reed - 1987 - In Alan Costall, Cognitive Psychology In Question. New York: St Martin's Press. pp. 142.
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    For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism.Roger Paden - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 51 (1):141-141.
    Unfortunately, as the Chinese might say, we live in very interesting times. Recent technological developments have had the effect of shrinking the world, and, although they have not created the “global village” foreseen by Marshall McLuhan, they have caused major changes in the more familiar “villages” of the past—the family, the community, and the nation—while calling into question the moralities and moral ideals which have found their natural homes within those older “villages.” One of those older moral ideals is (...)
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    Resurrection and reality in the thought of Wolfhart Pannenberg.C. Elizabeth A. Johnson - 1983 - Heythrop Journal 24 (1):1-18.
    Books Reviewed in this Article: Transforming Bible Study. By Walter Wink. Pp.175, London, SCM Press, 1981, £3.50. Isaiah 1–39. By R.E. Clements. Pp.xvi. 301, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1980, £3.95. Isaiah 40–66. By R.N. Whybray. Pp.301, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1975, Reprinted 1981, £3.95. Die Gestalt Jesu in den synoptischen Evangelien. By Heinrich Kahlefeld. Pp.264, Frankfurt, Verlag Josef Knecht, 1981, no price given. Following Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark. By Ernest Best. Pp.283, Sheffield, JSOT (...)
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    Socially Undocumented: Identity and Immigration Justice.Amy Reed-Sandoval - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    "What does it really mean to "be undocumented," particularly in the contemporary United States? Political philosophers, policymakers and others often define the term "undocumented migrant" legalistically-that is, in terms of lacking legal authorization to live and work in one's current country of residence. Socially Undocumented: Identity and Immigration Justice challenges such a pure "legalistic understanding" by arguing that being undocumented should not always be conceptualized along such lines. To be socially undocumented, it argues, is to possess a real, visible, and (...)
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  35. A defense of stable invariantism.Baron Reed - 2010 - Noûs 44 (2):224-244.
  36.  65
    Descartes' Corporeal Ideas Hypothesis and the Origin of Scientific Psychology.Edward S. Reed - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (4):731 - 752.
    HISTORIANS of psychology are almost unanimously agreed on one point: that psychology is a relatively new science. There may be some disagreement as to when it started--with Weber, or Fechner, or Wundt, or James--but there is almost no dissent from the proposition that psychology as a scientific discipline is less than one and one-half centuries old. Many earlier writers are often discussed in histories of psychology, but invariably they are called speculators, or philosophers, as opposed to scientists. We believe that (...)
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  37. How to think about fallibilism.Baron Reed - 2002 - Philosophical Studies 107 (2):143-157.
    Almost every contemporary theory of knowledge is a version of fallibilism, yet an adequate statement of fallibilism has not yet been provided. Standard definitions cannot account for fallibilistic knowledge of necessary truths. I consider and reject several attempts to resolve this difficulty before arguing that a belief is an instance of fallibilistic knowledge when it could have failed to be knowledge. This is a fully general account of fallibilism that applies to knowledge of necessary truths. Moreover, it reveals, not only (...)
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  38.  41
    Interpretation and Social Knowledge: On the Use of Theory in the Human Sciences.Isaac Ariail Reed - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    For the past fifty years anxiety over naturalism has driven debates in social theory. One side sees social science as another kind of natural science, while the other rejects the possibility of objective and explanatory knowledge. _Interpretation and Social Knowledge_ suggests a different route, offering a way forward for an antinaturalist sociology that overcomes the opposition between interpretation and explanation and uses theory to build concrete, historically specific causal explanations of social phenomena.
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  39. Deficient virtue in the Phaedo.Doug Reed - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (1):119-130.
    Plato seems to have been pessimistic about how most people stand with regard to virtue. However, unlike the Stoics, he did not conclude that most people are vicious. Rather, as we know from discussions across several dialogues, he countenanced decent ethical conditions that fall short of genuine virtue, which he limited to the philosopher. Despite Plato's obvious interest in this issue, commentators rarely follow his lead by investigating in detail such conditions in the dialogues. When scholars do investigate what kind (...)
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    Discrimination against the dying.Philip Reed - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (2):108-114.
    The purpose of this paper is to identify a kind of discrimination that has hitherto gone unrecognised. ‘Terminalism’ is discrimination against the dying, or treating the terminally ill worse than they would expect to be treated if they were not dying. I provide four examples from healthcare settings of this kind of discrimination: hospice eligibility requirements, allocation protocols for scarce medical resources, right to try laws and right to die laws. I conclude by offering some reflections on why discrimination against (...)
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  41. Stakeholder Management Theory: A Critical Theory Perspective.Darryl Reed - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (3):453-483.
    Abstract:This article elaborates a normative Stakeholder Management Theory (SHMT) from a critical theory perspective. The paper argues that the normative theory elaborated by critical theorists such as Habermas exhibits important advantages over its rivals and that these advantages provide the basis for a theoretically more adequate version of SHMT. In the first section of the paper an account is given of normative theory from a critical theory perspective and its advantages over rival traditions. A key characteristic of the critical theory (...)
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    Expressivism at the beginning and end of life.Philip Reed - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (8):538-544.
    Some disability rights advocates criticise prenatal testing and selective abortion on the grounds that these practices express negative attitudes towards existing persons with disabilities. Disability rights advocates also commonly criticise and oppose physician-assisted suicide (PAS) and euthanasia on the same grounds. Despite the structural and motivational similarity of these two kinds of arguments, there is no literature comparing and contrasting their relative merits and the merits of responses to them with respect to each of these specific medical practices. This paper (...)
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    (1 other version)Figures of thought: mathematics and mathematical texts.David Reed - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Figures of Thought looks at how mathematical works can be read as texts and examines their textual strategies. David Reed offers the first sustained and critical attempt to find a consistent argument or narrative thread in mathematical texts. Reed selects mathematicians from a range of historical periods and compares their approaches to organizing and arguing texts, using an extended commentary on Euclid's Elements as a central structuring framework. He develops fascinating interpretations of mathematicians' work throughout history, from Descartes (...)
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  44. Fallibilism, epistemic possibility, and epistemic agency.Baron Reed - 2013 - Philosophical Issues 23 (1):40-69.
  45. Group selection and methodological individualism: A criticism of Watkins.Edward Reed - 1978 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 29 (3):256-262.
  46. Partnerships for Development: Four Models of Business Involvement.Ananya Mukherjee Reed & Darryl Reed - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (1):3 - 37.
    Over the last two decades there has been a proliferation of partnerships between business and government, multilateral bodies, and/or social actors such as NGOs and local community organizations engaged in promoting development. While proponents hail these partnerships as an important new approach to engaging business, critics argue that they are not only generally ineffective but also serve to legitimate a neo-liberal, global economic order which inhibits development. In order to understand and evaluate the role of such partnerships, it is necessary (...)
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  47. Argument Diagramming in Logic, Artificial Intelligence, and Law.Chris Reed, Douglas Walton & Fabrizio Macagno - 2007 - The Knowledge Engineering Review 22 (1):87-109.
    In this paper, we present a survey of the development of the technique of argument diagramming covering not only the fields in which it originated - informal logic, argumentation theory, evidence law and legal reasoning – but also more recent work in applying and developing it in computer science and artificial intelligence. Beginning with a simple example of an everyday argument, we present an analysis of it visualised as an argument diagram constructed using a software tool. In the context of (...)
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  48. Fallibilism.Baron Reed - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (9):585-596.
    Although recent epistemology has been marked by several prominent disagreements – e.g., between foundationalists and coherentists, internalists and externalists – there has been widespread agreement that some form of fallibilism must be correct. According to a rough formulation of this view, it is possible for a subject to have knowledge even in cases where the justification or grounding for the knowledge is compatible with the subject’s being mistaken. In this paper, I examine the motivation for fallibilism before providing a fully (...)
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  49. What do Corporations have to do with Fair Trade? Positive and Normative Analysis from a Value Chain Perspective.Darryl Reed - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (S1):3-26.
    There has been tremendous growth in the sales of certified fair trade products since the introduction of the first of these goods in the Netherlands in 1988. Many would argue that this rapid growth has been due in large part to the increasing involvement of corporations. Still, participation by corporations in fair trade has not been welcomed by all. The basic point of contention is that, while corporate participation has the potential to rapidly extend the market for fair trade goods, (...)
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    Implicit knowledge and motor skill: What people who know how to catch don’t know.Nick Reed, Peter McLeod & Zoltan Dienes - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):63-76.
    People are unable to report how they decide whether to move backwards or forwards to catch a ball. When asked to imagine how their angle of elevation of gaze would change when they caught a ball, most people are unable to describe what happens although their interception strategy is based on controlling changes in this angle. Just after catching a ball, many people are unable to recognise a description of how their angle of gaze changed during the catch. Some people (...)
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